SEO Success Factors

Are you paying attention to SEO success factors?

There are a lot of factors affecting the amount of traffic to your website.  And there are a lot of actions that you can take to drive traffic. We can break these factors down to on-page and off-page. Search engine optimization (SEO) is very complex. It’s part science and part art. And it’s ever-changing as search engine technology becomes even more sophisticated.

All of these factors work together to influence your search engine rankings. Concentrating on one or two factors may not help you all that much. The best results take expertise, effort, time, and some experimentation.

Be very wary of marketers who call or email you (especially if unsolicited) with promises of simple ways to get your website to the top of search engine results pages.

Below are the factors explained at a very high level. To learn more, click on the chart to see more details.

Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors

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On-Page Factors


This applies to written content and images on your website.  Is your content high quality? Is it substantial or rather thin? Is your content fresh and about “hot” topics? Are you using the certain words or extra words just in the hopes of being found by search engines?


This is the technical infrastructure of your website. — Is your website well-structured so that search engine “spiders” can crawl and index your website? Does the site load quickly? Do URLs contain meaningful keywords?


HTML is the code underlying much of your website. — Does your code include descriptive tags that tell what your website is about? Do you excessively use words just because you think they will help your pages to be found? (This is known as “keyword stuffing.”)

Off-the-Page Factors


Do your links and shares make this website a trusted authority? Do visitors spend time on the page or “bounce” away quickly? Are you using content that is simply copied from other sources?


Are there many external sites that link to yours? Are they from other trusted websites? Have you paid for links in hope of higher rankings?


What countries and localities account for most of the traffic to your website?


Is your content shared much on social networks? Is it shared by others with a good reputation on social networks?