Free QR Code Generator

Wikipedia article on QR Codes

Scan with a smartphone to open a Wikipedia web article on QR Codes

There are many ways to use QR codes. When scanned with a smartphone, the bar codes generated with this tool can perform a number of actions on that phone.

  • Compose an email
  • Open a website
  • Send a text message
  • Dial a phone number
  • Send a vCard (contact information)
  • Track a location
  • Log onto a WiFi network
  • Bookmark a web page

QR codes can be very useful for marketing purposes. They can be used to drive traffic to a website or specific web page. In this way, they can be used to promote a business, product, service, or event. They can also be a handy way to give out contact information and have recipients store it in their phone contacts. They can also be used to distribute promo codes or "secret messages" for special offers or contests.

The free QR code generator on this page allows you to create your very own QR code. The graphic file that it creates can be downloaded and used on a website or added to a printed document or publication.


Fill in the form and click the generate button.

  • Select the type of QR code you want according to how you will use it.
  • Encoding = Usually UTF-8
  • Size (in pixels) - QR codes should be square so make the length and width the same.
  • Correction Level -

Click the download link to save the image disk. You can use the image in your print and online content.

You can check your QR bar code image at before using.


More information about QR codes