Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As we design your website, we incorporate the principles of Search Engine Optimization to assure that your target audience is easily able to discover your website such as Google, Yahoo and many others.  Going beyond their discovering your website, we want to motivate them to actually VISIT your website.

Attracting people to your website is more than just adding a lot of keywords or buzzwords to your page. In fact, if you add keywords to your page and then don't have content related to those words, the search engines will rank you lower. Many website owners or developers will list every city or zip code in their county. However, the search engines take into account only the first dozen or so keywords. The rest are ignored. Too many keywords - such as listing every city - may count against you. Search engines penalize what they call "keyword stuffing".

Once they are attracted to visit your website, the objective is to grab their attention and have a look around. If they are just curious, we want to draw them in and help them discover what you offer and determine whether they need that. (In most cases, we want them to conclude that they do need - or want - what you offer.) If they are looking for something specific, we present the information in a way that leads them to their goal.  Once they have found what they need, we show them additional related products and services that they should know about.